Wednesday, June 27, 2012

To My Holy Nation #8

Am Yisrael,
My beloved nation.  My wells of love for you are so deep- yearning to reunite with you.  Walk with Me as in our bridal days.  Feel the light I am surrounding you with in these times of darkness.  Be humble before Me.  Please do not take My name in vain.  Do not call out to Me only in your time of need and then vanish from Me. My nation, seek Me at all times. Seek Me in all of your ways*.  Know that only I guide your footsteps.  Don't let yourself be trampled by the forces of tumah that are awaiting your vulnerabilities during this time. Bind yourself to Me strongly with all that you have, and fill yourself with Knowledge of My Presence.  Let yourself be humble before Me.  Don't make yourselves into warriors for your own causes that are not with My blessings.  Let yourself be clear of your path through My light.

Practical advice? Let yourself Feel Me.  Let me work through you and be an expression of you to the world always.  Abide by All My Torah, Mitzvot and all the Chukot. Don't think that any mitzvah is less important than another. Love each and every mitzvah the same!!! Don't pick and choose. Know that the secrets of how the mitzvot bring forth their light is very mysterious- beyond human perception. Be patient as Moshiach is waiting in the wings.  Love you fellow Jew as much as you love yourself.  Go out of your comfort zone to do a chesed for another.  Don't be stuck in a life pattern that does not allow growth.  Seek me out.  Talk to Me with every opportunity that you have and through this we will build a relationship of oneness.  From this you will come to experience Me more and come to understand a little more of My manifestation in the physical realm and how I interact with you.  Don't get stuck in the past of what was.  Let yourself move forward in my light.

*בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך ובכל מאודך

Unbelievable emunah, courage, and strength from Eva Sandler

Eva Sandler 3 months after the murder of her husband and two sons in Toulouse, May all the mourners of Zion continue to be comforted  Thank you Jewish mom's blog for posting

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week’s Energy for Parshas Chukas- Rav DovBer Pinson

Re-Entering Life by Rav DovBer Pinson
 In this week’s Torah reading, Miriam and Aaron, sister and brother of Moshe, pass on. The Torah then speaks of the Tuma/impurity of death and the ritual purification of the Parah Adumah/ Red Heifer for those who have come in contact with death.
The Torah reading opens with the words; “Hashem spoke to Moshe… take a perfectly red unblemished heifer… slaughter it… The heifer shall then be burned…Anyone who touches a human corpse shall become impure…(if) he does not purify himself, he has defiled the Temple…Take for that impure person from the ashes of the burnt offering (the red heifer) and it shall be placed in a vessel with spring water…take the hyssop and dip it into the water and sprinkle it on him…”(19:1-18)
This, in short, is the ritual of purifying a person who has become impure through contact with a corpse. There is a sprinkling with a solution of the red heifer ashes and spring water on specific days, followed by immersion in a ritual pool of water.
Tahara/ Purity and Tuma /impurity are intrinsically related to the life/death cycle, and are clearly unrelated to personal hygiene or disease. Tuma is connected to all forms of “death” and the mortality of life, both literally and figuratively. Conversely, Tahara is connected to “life,” both literally and figuratively, and immortal forces of life, such as the Temple and spring water.
Life is movement and possibility. Death is an ‘end’, a state of stagnation.
In death, at least in the physical realm, there is a stopping, a ceasing of hope, a cessation of movement and possibility. To be impure implies a connection with a ‘hopelessness’ consciousness. Purity, on the other hand, is all that is related with life, fluidity and newness, and all that stems from a place of possibility and hope.
The Beis HaMikdash/ Temple functioned as a place ofHischadshus/Renewal. It served as a space in which one could recapture a sense of awe in creation and the Creator. To enter the Temple, one had to be ritually pure, vested with life and possibility.
Every moment in creation is brand new, freshly born, from Ayin/pure potential, no-thing-ness to Yesh/existence.
Each breath, a new Divine enlivening force enters, and is exhaled into creation.
The Temple, being the epicenter of all space, is the place in which this renewal spirit is realized. As a demonstration of this reality, the Showbreads never grew stale, the bread in the temple always tasted completely fresh even if baked a week before.(Chagigah 26b). Everything of the Temple was fresh and new.
The Temple in Jerusalem was built upon the site on which Yaakov/Jacob once slept and dreamed of the ladder and angels. (Bereishis. 28:12-18).When he awoke from this dream, he proclaimed, “Surely Hashem is in this place; and I knew it not.” If Yaakov had been aware of the holiness and purity of the place on which he stood, he would not have been able to sleep. Sleep is a minor form of death, static, stagnant – Yaakov was troubled that he had not tapped into the renewal spirit of the place and was able to go into a space of ‘death.’
Though the ultimate mystery and paradoxical nature of the Red Heifer is beyond our comprehension (Midrash Rabba, 19:3) the specific symbolism is very pronounced. Ashes and water are mixed and sprinkled. When ashes and water mix it creates a form of soap, a cleansing, but there is something deeper occurring. Water is fluidity and life, pure and renewed.
Water is the primordial state of creation, when creation exists in the cosmic womb as pure potential. Ashes represent the end of an old and the potential of a new, the dust returns to dust and thus a new cycle of life begins.
There is Afar/earth and there is Eifar/ dust or ash. (Bereishis, 18:27)Earth represents the Ayin/ no-thing-ness of the Yesh/ existence, as the earth contains the potential of vegetation, yet, Eifer/ash is the deeper Ayin, the Ayin that is relatively beyond Yesh, pure potential. The ritual sprinkling of ash and water reconnects us with the cycle of life and potential of the new.
With all this symbolism and ritual though, it is imperative that we remember, in the words of our Sages “The corpse does not defile, nor does the water purify, rather it is a Mitzvah of the King of Kings.”
Ultimately, it is our connection to Hashem, the source of all Reality, of all Life, the One who brings death to the living and brings the dead to life that offers us renewal, hope and thus Tahara, a fresh breath of life.
 To live in this world is to be touched continuously by both life and death.
All people experience some form of death within their lifetimes, unfortunately it is often tragic and heartbreaking.
Sometimes it is a symbolic death, an ending.
In either sense, death can seem a hopeless ending, a place that is cut off from all possibility of growth.
The energy of the Torah reading this week is the infusion of openness and newness into a place of hopelessness.
Just as ashes return to the earth and begin a life cycle anew, the ashes of the red heifer mix with the water to create a state of purity and life, allowing those who have been in contact with death to find new breath and life in their future.
To move forward from a place of Tuma, we must first immerse in water – fully enveloping ourselves in our primordial state, and reconnecting with the unity of Hashem, source of all – both life and death. From this place of oneness we can find our innate breath and source of life and move forward into life and hope.
This week become aware of how a death, real or symbolic, may be holding you back from life.
This can even be a holding on to a perception, or a way of being, that can be preventing you from growth and forward movement.
Be open to newness of ideas, and new ways of approaching the old ideas.
Come back to your life with an open mind, an open heart and the constant possibility of forward movement.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hester Panim- Hashem Where are You Hiding?

Hester Panim:  by Rabbi Pinchas Winston ***

"I will become very angry at them on that day, and I will abandon them and hide My face from them. They will be devoured, and plagued by many evils that will distress them, and will say, `Do we not suffer because God has left us?' " (Devarim 31:17)

Hester Panim is a commonly used term in the Torah world. Literally, it means "hiding face," but it refers to concealed Divine Providence, not the lack of it, just the concealment of it. For, a fundamental of fundamentals is that God always runs the world, even recreating it anew each moment. It's just that, when we merit it, we get to watch Him do it.
Well, not exactly see Him recreate the world each second, but to at least see or sense that He is behind everything. Today, the average person either doesn't believe in God, or at least doesn't believe that He is involved in the everyday affairs of man. He lives his life as if God has little if any interest in his life at all, and therefore lives as he sees fit.
Even religious people may have difficulty being real with the reality of God operating on all levels of existence at every moment. They may believe that He is always watching and keeping track of our behavior for the sake of the Final Day of Judgment and Eternal Life, but as far as everyday life is concerned, He has better things to do than actually help or deter man's daily activities.
One of the fascinating things about Hester Panim is that it does not affect everyone the same way. Indeed, two people can be standing side-by-side, and yet not feel the same level of impact of Hester Panim, one strongly feeling the Presence of God while the other feels and acts as if God is billions of miles away, at least.
This is why Dovid HaMelech can say:
Should you but conceal Your face, I would be confounded. (Tehillim 30:8)
    Conceal not Your Presence from me ... (Tehillim 27:9)
both verses implying that God did not conceal Himself from Dovid HaMelech, though He did from others.
This raises the question about the true definition of fear of God. Is fear of God only the basis of a belief that God keeps track of all that we do, and will one day judge us for it, or is one's sense of Godly involvement in everyday life a part of it as well? In the case of the former, it is easy to forget about God during times of spiritual crisis, but in the case of the latter, it is impossible to forget about God at any time.
With Rosh Hashanah just next week, b"H, this is an important question to address, since our understanding of the concept of Hester Panim determines how reliable we are as people, from God's perspective. This not only affects out judgment every Rosh Hashanah, but it also affects how intimately God is prepared to work with us in everyday life.
What exactly is Hester Panim?
When it comes to something in the physical world, hiding can be a local thing, or it can be that, for all intents-and-purposes, that which is hidden might as well not exist at all. For example, there is a solution for every problem, but sometimes it remains hidden for generations, and though it may be eventually discovered, its discovery will not help the many generations that are long gone.
But, when it comes to God, hiding can only be a local thing. This is because the entire existence exists within God, and even should it cease to exist, God will always exist. Therefore, by definition, to be aware of anything in Creation is to be aware of God on some level, the only question being, on which level?
For, as it is well known, man possesses both a subconscious mind and a conscious one. As if life wasn't complicated enough already, as much as we may be aware of at any given moment in time, there are things going on in our minds that we are not cognizant of, even though they affect how we perceive things and our reactions. Psychiatry, a huge and generally lucrative profession, is testimony to that, and it often tries to bridge the very large gap between the subconscious and conscious mind of a person, especially when they are in conflict with one another.
Furthermore, the Talmud tells us that, just prior to birth, an angel teaches us the entire Torah, after which he makes us forget everything by tapping us on the upper lip just before being born (Niddah 30b). What is the point, if we're going to be born without that knowledge in the end anyhow?
Because, obviously, we are not born without the knowledge, but rather, it remains with us, on a subconscious level. The point of learning Torah, as we have discussed in the past, is to draw that knowledge, idea-by-idea, from the level of the subconscious mind to the conscious mind. And once we do, there is always a sense of, "Ahaaaah," as if we are merely recalling something we had already known, but simply forgotten.
Outreach, therefore, is not about teaching Torah anew to unaffiliated Jews, but about bringing what they already known on the subconscious level to the conscious mind. The more a person does this, the more attached they feel to the knowledge, and the more they become one with it. Eventually, lifestyle changes because personal perspective has changed, reducing the effect that doubt, and therefore Amalek, can have on the person.
And, all of that knowledge is really just knowledge about God. If it remains on the level of the subconscious, then God remains on the level of the subconscious. As more of the knowledge is brought from the depths of the subconscious to the conscious mind, the more conscious a person becomes of God, and the more he can relate to His reality even on the level of the body.
Hester panim, therefore, is really all in the mind. But, that doesn't mean that it is imaginary.
In fact, it is like what happened to Pharaoh when God hardened his heart: the result may have been a harder heart, but it was his head that God worked on. For, a person responds to reality based upon his perception of it, and his perceptions are based upon his assumptions about life. If you know what they are, then you can create situations that will compel a person to perceive reality a certain way, and therefore, respond in a particular way. This is what makes conspiracy possible.
Human beings have to work very hard to conspire against people successfully, because they can't know every last assumption people have about life, and therefore, they cannot dictate every perception they will have. They can only work in a general sense, which is why some people are able to detect conspiracies and break through them.
But, for God, it is a different story. He knows everything and controls everything. He knows exactly how people think and He can manipulate reality completely and perfectly in order to take advantage of people's assumptions about life, so that they will be compelled to see things as He wants them to. And that is the basis of Hester Panim.
So, for example, if a person's desire to partake of this physical world overcomes his desire to be close to God, then God will present the world to him in such a way as to make it appear he can have what he wants and not worry about repercussion. He may have to contend with man-made laws and rules, but occasionally, when he gets away with what he has taken illicitly, it will truly seem as if he succeeded.
And, if people come to worship science as a religion of agnosticism, using it to question the existence of God or His involvement in Creation and history, then the world will appear scientifically in such a way as to feed such people's assumptions about the physical world. As the prophet warned:
    For the ways of God are straight; the righteous walk in them and sinners will stumble over them. (Hoshea 14:10)
How do two people walk the same path with dramatically different results? It must be that one sees safety where the other sees danger, benefit where the other sees loss, potential gratification where the other sees misery, and when it comes to Hester Panim, one sees randomness where the other sees Divine genius. It must be that the two of them have two different sets of assumptions about life.
Taking advantage of people's mistaken assumptions about life and about God within it is what Amalek does best. As Rashi points out, he divides the Name of God, but as Kabbalah explains, that means that he makes life appear Godless to those who can be duped. That is why the Torah says about Amalek:
    He confronted you on your way, and attacked the feeble stragglers who trailed behind you, while you were tired and exhausted. He did not fear God. (Devarim 25:18)
Feeble, but not physically feeble, but spiritually so. They were the ones who could be impressed, or intimidated by Amalek's smoke-and-mirror's routine, because they had not done their homework to spiritually inoculate themselves against Amalek's psychological attack. To such intellectual stragglers, God seemed distant at the time, at best.
The good news is that, if Hester Panim is a matter of the mind, then man can work with that. If when God hid Himself he really hid from everyone equally, and not just in the recesses our mind, then righteous and evil alike would have to live with the same spiritual reality, though the former would trudge forward spiritually like loyal soldiers, learning Torah and performing the mitzvos because that is what Torah-Jews do, rain or shine.
In fact, sadly, that is the way many Torah-Jews live today, leaving God hidden on other, deeper levels of consciousness. I'm not talking about people who sin as if God is not watching, for that is not being a Torah Jew, even if, on the outside, they look like one. Everyone has their weaknesses, and people who believe that Torah came from Sinai are no different. However, they have a tougher time giving into weakness, and if and when they do, they know that they have to do teshuvah for it.
But imagine sneaking up on some close friends, who happen to be waiting for you, and not knowing that you are in the room, they talk about you. To your delight, they have only good things to say, but not knowing that you are in the room, they do not connect to you the same way as they normally do when you are before them. Indeed, if you remain hidden long enough, eventually they are bound to forget about you.
The same thing is true about many Torah Jews who do everything they can to do the will of God, but connect to Him as if He is not in the "room." Their loyalty to God and His Torah, "in the meantime" is admirable, but their sense of His Being is lacking, evident by the lack of enthusiasm they have in general, and when performing mitzvos specifically. Though they would never willing transgress the will of God, they don't show the proper enthusiasm when observing it.
That was what Dovid HaMelech wanted to avoid. He wanted to feel the Presence of God wherever he went, as if he was in the House of God seven days a week, 24 hours a day. On Rosh Hashanah, we are evaluated for how hard we tried to make this reality our own, and rewarded for how successful we were, by having an even greater experience of Shechinah - Divine Presence - in the upcoming year.
Last week, I had an interesting experience. I was called up for an aliyah, after which I stood to the side while the next person, called up after me, had the Torah read to him. As is my practice, I held on to the top of the Aitz Chaim closest to me, while following in the Sefer Torah as it was read (as opposed to in a Chumash). I love looking into a Sefer Torah.
However, this time, as the one reading continued, it began to occur to me how fortunate I was to be there, that I believed in Torah, and that I was able to live by it. I felt so fortunate to be part of a minority of people in the world today who know that Torah comes from God via Mt. Sinai and Moshe Rabbeinu, and some tears began, on their own, to well up in my eyes. And, for that brief moment, I had a tremendous feeling of Shechinah.
When I thought about the experience later, I was amazed at how intense a moment I was able to create by a single thought, albeit at the right time in the right place. I was amazed at how easily Hester Panim can be turned on or off, controlled by what a person believes and thinks about in life.... Thanks for reading.
Pinchas Winston 

***An important piece by Rabbi Pinchas Winston to ponder, and is especially during this period of Tammuz/Av.  I added the bold and italics as especially important points that stood out in my own reading.  I hope Im Yirtze Hashem to ponder some of these concepts with the readers during these next two months.  Check out Rabbi Winston's blog for many other deep insights into the world and the times

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A lesson In Gratitude towards Hashem- Why the well of Miriam disappeared? Parshat Chukat

To my holy nation #7

To Am Yisrael,
Time is drawing very near.  There is no more time left to waste! The clock is at zero awaiting the final redemption.  We need to return to the one above who created light from darkness and separated heaven from earth.  Who are we to say that we are above this that we we can't return to the one who created the Whole World.  Think about this for a moment.  If this is not the root of ego we have a lot to ponder.  Ponder quickly as there is NO MORE time.  The world is at its last breath as we know it to be.  Foundations of all that existed and seemed to hold True will soon come crashing down among us. Return to the womb of the one who created you.  Have a little humility.  Perform His wishes, His desires, as it is Only because of Him that you exist every moment.  Know this deep in your bones.  Hashem created you with freedom of choice to look before yourself... to seek, yearn, and discover what is Truth.  "I have placed before you a blessings and a curse.  Choose life" (Deuteronomy 30:19)  To be in alignment with the will of the creator or G-d forbid be against.  I created with you with 100% free will.  You need to seek yourself and discover that the Purpose of Creation is to choose the path of life- of Eternal Life.  One that will be forever connected to the source.  Be a witness to the Geulah.  Know that it is I who am bringing you back.  The time is running out.  |Let yourself be a vessel for my light in the world.  Keep ALL my mitzvot and cling to my Torah.  Know this is Truth.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Letter from A Brain Damaged Child to Am Yisrael

*Note this letter is at least 4 years old.  I found it in my drafts, but see that the message is just as relevant today.

Galia: Tell them, Ima, that they must strengthen their faith in the Creator Yisborach, and understand that there are constant changes in Heaven, from moment to moment, regarding the Jewish people as a whole and each person as an individual. Hashem looks after each and every one of Am Yisrael with direct, personal Divine providence.
Everything that happens to each person and to Am Yisrael as a whole, is calculated by Heaven, and every mitzvah performed tilts the scale of merit in favor of Am Yisrael and nullifies harsh and terrible decrees for the individuals as well as the public.
Baruch Hashem I have merited from Jews having done teshuva because of the messages I delivered from Heaven and this provided a defense for Am Yisrael as well as for me, of course. All of the mitzvos performed by the Jews who repented because of my messages and because of my tikkun (rectification) in this world of delivering Heavenly messages eliminated a lot of Heavenly accusations and changed the whole picture and situation.

Everything is subject to change; if the Jews observe two Shabboses, the Redemption will come immediately. Look and see what power we have - if we would keep and observe two Shabboses, the Moshiach would come instantly! Everything is Heavenly calculations and it is all subject to change, nothing in Heaven is static. The Jews are always being supervised, their deeds weighed and measured and Baruch Hashem when the scale is inclined to the good side, changes for the better are made.

It is very important for people to strengthen their faith in Hashem and to understand these simple matters before asking such heretic questions.

Nowadays, there is an abundance of options available for people to learn Torah, mitzvos and everything there is to know about Judaism and there is no reason for a person to wonder why something that was meant to happen changed. Is it not possible for a person to plan something and then change it, even at the very last minute? Weren't we supposed to see the Redemption ages and ages ago in very different times?
But we haven't merited the Geula until now and therefore it has not yet come, because in Heaven our actions are constantly being weighed and measured and what happens to us as individuals and as a whole is dependant upon that, for better or for worse. To learn more about Galia visit here and

The Sin of the Spies: How to know When to rely on divine Intervention

Questions posed in this very important 4 minute short vort by Rebetzin Tzippora Heller :
  1. What made it into such a disaster?
  2. Who are we to deserve divine intervention?
  3. How to know when to do our hishtadlut and when to rely on miracles in Hashem?
  4. What was the difference between the mission of the spies in Parshat Shlach and Sefer Yehushua
  5. How their sin relates to the question of Who am I , and what am I  at this moment

The Purpose of A Jew

The purpose of Jews throughout the generations is similar to that of Adam and Chava.  They were placed on this earth to renew the spiritual light-thereby perfecting all of creation.  Each generation has a task of drawing spiritual lights into the world by fulfilling the 613 directives.  This creates the Tikkun (rectification) of the physical body by elevating it to the spiritual plane the level of Neshama.  Engagement with the physical world will lead to the unity of all knowledge culminating in that perfect eternal state reflected in Jerusalem.  

Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato) Secrets of the Redemption Ma'amar Ha Geulah

Sunday, June 17, 2012

To my holy nation #6

My beloved people there is No More Time to Waste!  Let My presence be with you to guide you.  Return home to me. Do not wander any more like lost children.  Come into my land into my providence.  The land will bear fruit.  Don't be afraid!  Leave what you have behind and come to the land of providence.  I will hold you here.  You will never be alone.  You will not be forsaken ever in the land of your Avot.  You need to learn how to listen to Me, not to close your ears and ignore what is already planted in your hearts.  There will be no better time than Now!  Do not be one who separates himself from the nation-especially in a time of need.  Pack your bags and Do Not Look Back.  Lech Lecha.  The time has arrived.  Do not be scared.   How much more can I let you know this!!!  Please do not close your ears.  I will take care of the details.  You just need to Trust Me.  For many of you in the nation Trust in Me needs to be brought to a more complete level.  See your self living out your dream.  It is only impossible if you make it as such.  Bring everyone with you.  Your people are waiting for you to come home.  There is no more time left.  Hear my Words!!!
     Practical Advice: Don't wait until your money runs out in Galut.  Come into the good land now with openness of heart.  Why wait any longer and live in the lands where the shechina is no longer abiding.  Her people are crying out for her to return to the land.  A Jew needs to return, daily, hourly, on a minute basis to Hashem.  Every moment can be used as a kiddush Hashem.  Live as a Jew.  desire what a Jew should desire.  Don't pride yourself on living the values of the nations.  They are not eternal or connected to bringing you closer to me.  In fact the opposite will only be true.  Don't desire that which is foreign to our soul.   A Jew will only need to purge himself later from this later on.  Know that a Jew has a task to remain pure of heart, soul and mind.  Go within- listen for yourself!  Hashem will guide you to this truth.  Ask Hashem to show you the way.  Ask for reinforcements of truth.  Listen to what Hashem is showing you.  If your heart is open you will always receive.  If you Listen to Hashem's truth you will not err, but will be guided in blessing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

To my holy nation #5

Am Yisrael, I want to be witness to your manifestation.  To witness you go beyond your limitations.  You are a people that is Free to Choose- You can be righteous and holy.  It is your birthright.  Know that this is the Chelek of Am Yisrael-To Come to Know My Name and to represent My Name to the World at large.  I will guide you through this.  Don't be afraid to be the righteous ones that stand out (kshoshana ben HaHochim).  It is my servants who hold up the entire world eternally.  I love you so much Am Yisrael and only desire your Good.  I desire your righteousness as a representative of Me in the world so the nations will know who to look to for leadership.  Practical advice- Do mitzvot with all your heart.  Don't let any opportunity for a mitzvah escape.  Do everything with all of your intent and koach.  Make blessings with kavod- slowly precisely.  Unite yourself to Me with every bite of food.  Don't ingest food like animals and forget about who gave you this food at every second.  Remember me continually, especially when you sit down to eat. Eat with the intention of transforming and elevating the food chain.  Have kavanah (intention) where did this food come from, who created and creates it continually- remind yourself of this opporunity to radiate holiness to the world with Every Act of Eating.  Fill every bite with gratitude! Each act is a rectification! Know that for this you were created to be a holy people and a shining light light in the world, to rectify it back to its pure state.

Monday, June 11, 2012

"We Have to Realize Exile is Not Home"

 "Exile Is Not Redemption, No Matter How sweet it is" Rabbi Winston


To my holy nation #4

Go home Am Yisrael.  Know your place is in the holy land of Israel-Only!  There is no other place for a Jew right now.  Listen to My words carefully.  The time has come for each Jew to know their  Place-their True Makom, and how to be a true Eved Hashem.  The Jews have to mevatel themselves before their taivot and mishtachave to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.  AIN OD MILVADO.  The holy one beckons you to come home.  A Jew's makom is in the Land and with Hashem and then and only then is he Truly Home Forever.  He needs to know that he has a derech out of all the tumult of the world.  That Hashem is the shelter and Torah is the only path of guidance.  Heed my words holy nation and return and align your Neshama with the One that created you to do His Will and His Will Only.
     Practical Advice to be an Eved Hashem?  Sit with me (Hashem) every day for 5-10 minutes and listen to my voice within you.  Try to distinguish it from those places that are of the lower soul nature. Write down the words if you wish and hear me talking to you in your own language.  Know that if you are a True Eved Hashem and Truly seek to do my will, you will be able to discern my voice within over time.  Know that I am the Master of all worlds, but every Jew has a special direct line to me.  The connection is open always to our communication.  May you be a light unto the nations Am Yisrael and receive my blessings continually.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hashem's shechina will move out of the Galut

First Hashem will return and After he will gather (see last paragraph Thanks to Yeranen Yaakov for the translation!!)

To my holy nation #3

Am Yisrael, It is time to return to your Av Bashamayim.  There is no more time left.  You are my people and I am your Abba.  Return home.  Time has come for you to come home under my wings of shelter.  I will protect you from the storm you are about to enter.  Please trust in Me and put faith into the One that created and creates you every second.  Make time to ponder 1. Why you are here?  2. What is your specific and general task among Am Yisrael?  and 3.Who Created you?  You need to come to know me in all my essence that is attainable at your level.  Do not be far away from me.  Know that my love for you is so great- beyond bounds.  It is for your coming Home to Me that I Created the World.
         Come Home to your physical earth as well.  Know deeply and truthfully that the land outside of Eretz Yisrael was only on temporary loan to you and that period has EXPIRED!  Your Only home is Eretz Yisrael, the land of my providence.  You need to be surrounded by your holy earth to receive its sustenance, its kedusha, so that it can raise you up.  The sparks need to be brought to Eretz Yisrael and transmuted to kedusah.  Know that you are presently Homeless when you are not in your land.  You need to come Home and Hold onto it With Everything You Have.  For this you were created.  To be in the place that is at One with My kedusha.  To not run away from it and think that you will find kedusha hidden in the same measure anywhere else.  Come Home Now.  Make a resolution that will benefit the Am, and your own Neshama.  It has been waiting for so long.
       A Jew is without "Water" and "Air" outside of the Land.  Know this deeply within your bones. The time has come.  The holy Neshama that I placed within you CANNOT Thrive in the same way on foreign soil ANYMORE.  It will only be nourished, fostered, in the deepest way from planting it withing my fields, mountains, and vineyards of the holy soil of Eretz Yisrael.  It is there that I have planted kedusha within the rocks.  Kedusha springs forth like no other place in the world.  The time is Running Out.  Bring all of your Loved Ones Home.
     This Land is the only land of abundance, prosperity and life giving energy for a Jew.  Leave what you "think" is there and come home without delay.  Your soul is waiting.  It has been waiting for so very long to be home in the arms of its Abba.  The hills and valleys of Eretz Yisrael are waiting for your arrival.  Do not delay.  This land is beyond time and space- and its roots are holy and wise.  The time is running out.  Every Jew needs to come home to the Holy Land now, with Hashem's blessing.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

To my holy nation #2

Am Yisrael, Your time has arrived to Know my Name.  I want to be your Abba B'shamayim, to hold your hand and bring you to a place of knowing Me.  We are disconnected right now.  The gap is too large.  Our connection needs to be Felt and Experienced by You...for all of you to know Me.  My love is so great for the Am.  Let them know that this time on Earth is precious.  Don't waste any second here.  Have all thoughts connected to me.  Each second needs to be focused on Tikkun, ahavat Hashem, your purpose for being brought this world, and connection to your fellow Jew.  Don't wait.  The time is running out for this tikkun.  You only have One Abba B'shamayim.  The time has come to realize who is above you and who is below you.  There is NO More Time to Wait.  Am Yisrael my love for you is so expansive, so beyond what you can ever imagine or realize with your finite capabilities.  I am waiting eagerly for you to return to me with open arms.  My arms will never close to you my children....though Know that Time is precious right now.  Return to your Home, Return to your Nation, and holy soil.  Know you are part of a people with a great destiny.  Do not deny this part of yourself.  Holy Yehudim, your spark, your contribution to the holy nation Needs To Be Actualized now.  Don't wait. Take time daily to get to know me. Sit and Be Silent.  Reflect on your past, present and future.  Come to know that it is I who guides you Am Yisrael through these processes.  Take time out Every Day to get to know who governs all of Creation- shamayim v'aretz.  Sit and Be Silent- Hear my voice.  My nation you are all privy to hearing my communication within.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

To my holy nation #1

Am Yisrael,
I have loved you always and brought you up through your days in the midbar to be a nation unto me.  Know that my deepest desire is to be a father to you.  To hold your hand, and to bring you out from under the rubble.  Please cling strongly to me and know how much I desire our connection to be fully manifest.  Please don't run away from me in these bewildering times.  Your Abba is always with you.  Your job as a pure holy nation is to support and hold up all of humanity.  Know that your tafkid is large and the time is minute.  Please do my will and hold onto my ways.  Cling strongly to the Torah and it will be a stronghold for you in times of confusion.  My ways are Truth.  My desire is only for your True good.  Please wait patiently for Moshiach Tzidkenu's arrival.  He will be a source of clarification for the Am.